Upcoming Events
Ráðstefna um farsæld barna – 2. Október
Miðvikudaginn 2. október verður haldin Farsældarráðstefna á vegum Háskóla Íslands og Mennta- og barnamálaráðuneytisins. Á ráðstefnunni verða kynntar rannsóknir sem kanna hvaða þættir hafa áhrif
Past Events
Farsæld barna og hagræn áhrif á fjölskyldur þeirra – 17. apríl
Herdís Steingrímsdóttir, lektor við Félagsráðgjafardeild HÍ og dósent í hagfræði við CBS, mun fjalla um nýlegar rannsóknir sínar á áhrifum heilsu barna á farsæld fjölskyldna.
Dashbord for measurements on children‘s prosperity – March 20th
Hjördís Eva Þórðardóttir, Ministry of Education and Children: The dashboard for children‘s prosperity has been in development since the initiation of introducing a new legislation
Seminar – October 25th, 2023
„Challenges faced by researchers conducting studies involving children“, Hervör Alma Árnadóttir, Associate Professor, School of Social Work
Workshop on „Children ‘s Prosperity: Research Network“ – October 4th, 2023
Program: Herdis Steingrimsdottir and Ragnheidur Hergeirsdottir, The School of Social Work, „The Research Network* Kristjan Ketill Stefansson, School of Education, „Skólapúlsinn: School Surveys“ Hervör Alma Árnadóttir, Department of Social Work, „Collecting data when doing research on Children‘s Outcomes“ Guðrún Mjöll Sigurðardóttir, Reykjavik Municipality: "Which data
Workshop on „Research on Children‘s Prosperity“ – May 16 2023
Program: Ragnheiður Hergeirsdóttir, lecturer, Department of Social Work: "The broader context of of children‘s prosperity" Hrafnkell Hjörleifsson, specialist, Ministry of Education and Children: "Mapping children‘s prosperity and the outcomes of the child prosperity legislation" Eva Dögg Sigurðardóttir,