Join the IceWell Research Network

Researchers who are interested in being a member of the IceWell research network can send an application through the form below. 

Allar upplýsingar sem berast í gegnum þetta form eru birtar á vef Farsældarnetsins.

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Your position and the name of the university
Department or faculty
Enter your associated research institution or centre here.
In what area(s) do your research efforts lie?
Please list all research areas that have not yet been listed.
Please enter a link to information about you on your university's website or another research related website like ORCID or PURE/IRIS
Optional: Please enter a link to information about you on your university's website or another research related website like ORCID or PURE/IRIS
Optional: Please enter a link to information about you on your university's website or another research related website like ORCID or PURE/IRIS